Every Mom Is A Working Mom!

Every Mom Is A Working Mom!

Posted by BMaxx Marketing on

To ALL of the mommas out there, this one’s for you. Whether you’re working from an office building, mechanic shop, home, or you’re a stay-at-home mom, every single one of you are working moms. Regardless of who you are and what you do, you put in the work!


Being a mom can be tough work in itself meaning that we’re all working moms. Raising kids is beautiful, amazing, and an awe inspiring experience but we all know that there is much to be done every day. Whether you’re rolling out of bed, making breakfast, and heading into your job or if your sole job is being a provider in your home for your beautiful babies, it is work!


One does not and should not be better than another. Regardless of where you work; inside, outside or away from home, if you’re a mom… You’re a working mom!


To the stay-at-home mom who works endless hours for your children and family every single day, without a paycheck or additional income, you’re in our hearts and we know you work hard! You may not be bringing in a dollar amount but everything you do amounts to something valuable in your little ones lives. Your payment is full of cuddles, kisses, and… tantrums. We see you! Keeping the house clean, making meals, endless laundry, and those moments when you want to give up but you won’t.

To the moms that have to leave the house to go to work, we see you! Spending hours at your job to bring in the bacon, but before you leave, it’s you cooking the bacon to give your little ones a hot meal. We know you’re keeping things together before and after work. You get home and help the kids with the homework, or maybe they’re too young for homework, but you’re still teaching them the ABC’s and 123’s, we see you!

To the single moms that always swoop in like a superhero day in and day out. You are mom and sometimes dad too! We see you putting in that work. You’re in our thoughts and hearts, we know it can be a struggle, but you keep on pushing through to leave your little ones always finding the brighter side and silver linings. Those long nights trying to keep it together when things seem like they’re falling apart. Falling asleep on the couch, cuddled with your kiddos. Remember, not all superheros wear capes.

EVERY mom is a working mom! Let’s let go of the common ideals that a mom who does this or that isn’t a working mom. Nanny’s get paid well to work full-time, and do you know what they’re doing? They’re basically filling in for mom while she’s away. All that shows us is that caring for children is work! With open hearts and love all around, we see and acknowledge ALL moms, and we know that it’s all work. We’re proud of you, and you should be too!


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