Need Some At-Home Workout Ideas?

Need Some At-Home Workout Ideas?

Posted by BMaxx Marketing on

Life can be busy, so making it to the gym as often as possible isn’t always feasible. Some of us prefer to work out in the comfort of our own homes. Maybe you’re here for new at-home workout ideas or just starting out; we’re about to share some excellent home workouts for you to try. 

There’s no need for expensive or fancy equipment. You can get creative and use household items or invest in some gear.

Wherever you choose to work out, please remember to warm up before you get to work. Warming up prepares our body for the training it’s about to endure. Start with simple stretches to loosen up. Gym class taught us basic warm-ups.

Guided Workout Videos

The internet is loaded with excellent workout and exercise routine videos. You can subscribe to a service with special offers or stick to free options (pssst, there are a lot of incredible choices on YouTube).

Exploring those links will lead you to loads of workout videos. 

Basic At-Home Workout Exercises

Some of us prefer to piece together our own workout routines, so we figured we’d share some simple exercises that can be done at home. However, different spaces may not allow some; for instance, living upstairs from a neighbor and jumping jacks don’t mix well.


Planks are simple, require little space, and provide an excellent core workout. While planks appear simple and don’t require equipment, that doesn’t mean they’re easy. It’s more of an exercise than you’d imagine.

Begin in a push-up position

Engage your abs and glutes

Hold this tense position for about 30 seconds (as you strengthen, hold an extra 10 seconds each level up)

That’s all there is to it. 

Get Your Groove On

If you don’t care to dance like no one's watching, or maybe you do, and that’s why you’re staying home (LoL). Anywho, dancing can be an excellent way to work out at home. It incorporates intense cardio with fun.

You can play whatever music gets you in the mood when you're home! PopSugar Fitness posted this excellen all levels cardio dance video.

Lunges & Reverse Lunges

Forward and reverse lunges are simple, and they don’t require equipment. Reverse and forward lunges work the lower half of the body, including glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves.

Yoga, Pilates, skipping rope (if it’s functional and safe), Pilates, and dumbbell exercise are more at-home workout ideas. There are also the basic exercises we learned as kids, sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and jumping jacks. 

You can incorporate, swap, and switch exercises as well as your fitness goals. Incorporating the exercises and routines to hit your targets is the main focus. Don’t forget to have fun; try to choose activities.

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