The Reality of An Eco-Friendly Pregnancy

The Reality of An Eco-Friendly Pregnancy

Posted by BMaxx Marketing on

An eco-friendly pregnancy is possible, but in reality, it can be challenging at times. The fact that you’re even trying is more than enough because this is a problem much larger than yourself. Not to mention, you’re already dealing with so much. Some changes are more accessible than you’d think, so it’s always worth a try, right? 

We don’t think anyone has come up with an eco-friendly pregnancy test yet. That being said, the “eco” issue has been present from day one; no, thanks to the numerous amounts of disposable and plastic goods targeted at parents and children. The truth is, eco-friendly parenting can be difficult. Still, every small step we take in the right direction will have a profound impact.
There have always been societal pressures surrounding conception, pregnancy, birth, and whatever parenting path you’ve chosen. The early baby experience is also littered with judgments, vastly differing approaches, and unsolicited opinions. We have more information about climate change now than we’ve had for generations. That being said, it’s unsurprising that we should have to add “being perfectly environmentally friendly” to others exerting the pressure. All of that can feel overwhelming.

10 Ways To Have A Successful, Eco-Friendly Pregnancy

  1. Reusable Diapers or Nappies: Single-use diapers are removed once they’re soiled and tossed in the trash. Reusable nappies require a bit more work, and at times it can seem to be a daunting task to handle. We suggest learning about how to use the diapers, manage them, as well as the best ways to clean and sanitize them. If you find yourself using one-offs from time to time, nobody will call the eco-authorities on you. Parenthood can be tiring!
  2. Biodegradable Disposable Diapers: Often, biodegradable diapers include eco-friendly packaging that is made using sustainable materials. However, when thrown into a landfill, the diapers can’t really decompose, so that’s something to consider. 
  3. Reusable Wipes: You can find reusable baby wipes made from cotton, bamboo, and microfiber materials, just to name a few. They will require proper care and a really good washing, but it saves you money and helps save the planet.
  4. Secondhand Furniture: It’s possible to find changing tables, cribs, bassinets, dressers, and countless baby furniture or items in excellent condition. Usually, the people’s baby has grown, and they need more space in the bedroom. You can find some fantastic stuff another person might have pitched to the curb.
  5. Social Media & Online Groups: There are some great groups and pages full of information, personal experiences, and places to swap/sell / trade. You can learn tips and tricks to eco-friendly pregnancy and planning. 
  6. Pass Down The Pass-it-On Culture: People love to pass items down, whether it’s friends or family. Say yes to what’s offered to you and give away what you can’t use or don’t need. Items get full use as they should, and things aren’t wasted.
  7. Renting Maternity Clothes: If you plan on having more children, it might be better to buy rather than rent. You’ll be able to use the clothing again. There are a few different places you can rent maternity clothing for one-off events like weddings or graduation. 
  8. If You’re Buying ‘New’ Consider Durability: Several environmentally aware brands create durable kidswear. They are made to last, so your kid or kids can wear them until they no longer fit, and you can pass them down.
  9. Washable Breast Pads: If you’re planning on breastfeeding, investing in some washable breast pads is a good idea. They’re comfortable, easy to wash, and long-lasting. We’ve heard they’re even more comfortable than the disposable options.
  10. Don’t Buy New Toys: Of course, there might be times you prefer to get something brand new for whatever reason. However, you can check charity shops and social media selling groups. You can find a lot of never-been-used items at these places. 

Having an eco-friendly pregnancy can be a reality. There will always be bumps in any road traveled, and for choosing to travel this one during such a particular time in your life, we applaud you! Don’t push yourself too hard to live up to standards someone else has set yet fails to follow. 

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