Morning Sickness: Just…Why?

Morning Sickness: Just…Why?

Posted by Lizeth Cuara on

Morning sickness, ugh! Morning sickness is nausea and vomiting a pregnant woman experiences during pregnancy. About 70% of pregnancies are accompanied by morning sickness. It typically starts at about 6 weeks of the pregnancy, lasting anywhere from a few weeks to months.

The symptoms of morning sickness usually improve during the second trimester (Weeks 13 to 27). For some unfortunate women, morning sickness lasts throughout the entire pregnancy. 

Don't be fooled by the name, "morning" sickness can happen any time of the day.

Can Morning Sickness Be Severe?

Yes. While most women dealing with morning sickness generally feel nauseous for a little while every day, they might vomit a couple of times. Other cases can be more severe. 

Nausea can last for several hours every day with severe morning sickness, and vomiting happens more frequently. Supposedly, only 3% of pregnant women experience this severe morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum.

Causes & Symptoms of Morning Sickness

Morning sickness's cause has yet to be fully recognized or understood. Several things might be to blame, including low blood sugar and increased pregnancy hormones like estrogen.

Morning sickness can be heightened or increased by several variables, including:

  1. Stress
  2. Specific food triggers
  3. Motion sickness (sensitivity to motion)
  4. Being overtired
  5. Certain odors
  6. Nothing at all

Symptoms of Hyperemesis Gravidarum~Morning Sickness

We already know that vomiting and nausea are the main symptoms of morning sickness. Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a bit more severe, and here is what the symptoms look like.

  1. Losing 5 or more pounds
  2. Vomiting 3 or more times daily
  3. Severe dehydration (signs of severe dehydration include little-to-no urine production, dark-colored urine, dizziness while standing)

Pregnant women experiencing severe morning sickness might need to be admitted to a hospital for IV fluids that restore hydration and medication that will help alleviate nausea. You and that growing baby need your body to remain hydrated for optimal growth and health.

Tips & Tricks To Dealing With Morning Sickness

While some women experience immediate and random bouts of morning sickness, others find theirs to be somewhat more like clockwork. Either way, you can do a few things to help ward off the rumbly mamma tummy.

  • Eating toast or a few saltine crackers in the morning can help settle the stomach. It's common to see crackers on a pregnant mother's bedside table or nearby. It's all about keeping things calm without any extra nonsense.
  • Rather than eating three larger meals a day, try to stretch them out as 5 or 6 small meals. The less food present, the less work your gut has to do to process things. Not to mention, the feeling of extreme hunger to suddenly full and nauseous is a reality for some.
  • Spicy food seems to trigger morning sickness symptoms. Avoid them and eat bland foods like fruit, dry toast, rice, and broth.
  • Choose healthy snacks to combat cravings.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Prenatal vitamins might be something to discuss with your doctor.
  • Avoid odors that make you woozy, flickering lights, and anything you find that triggers your nausea.
  • Try some ginger candies or ginger tea; it calms the belly.
  • Get the rest you need every chance you get.

If you're pregnant and dealing with morning sickness, please reach out to your doctor with any concerns. Prevention is one of the most impressive forms of medicine I've seen. However, not all issues can be avoided. Slight nausea and occasional vomiting are usual, but it's best to get things balanced out as quickly as possible if the symptoms are increased.

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