The Best Exercise For An Easier Delivery

The Best Exercise For An Easier Delivery

Posted by Lizeth Cuara on

Today we want to share with you five different exercises you can practice to help train your body for childbirth! Pregnancy, labor, and the act of delivery are rough on the body, to say the least. Knowing that there are some simple techniques you can practice to get your body ready for the big day can be comforting.

Post-pregnancy exercises are simple, and it's honestly more like physical therapy. We know many people hear physical therapy and their mind immediately goes towards injury recovery. Surprise, it works excellent for pregnant mothers to prepare for game day! Let's talk about it!

1.The Child's Pose: Yoga can be an excellent way to stretch your body. This specific pose can help lengthen your pelvic floor muscle and ease a lot of the discomfort you may be dealing with. All you have to do is, kneel down sitting on your heels. Slowly lean forward and walk your arms out in front of you. Breathe deeply, nice and slow. As your belly grows throughout the pregnancy, you may need to spread your knees further apart to allow space. If you're new to any of this, it's wise to have a trainer or physical therapist alongside for guidance and support.

2.Deep Squats: These squats will help relax and lengthen your pelvic floor muscles, as well as stretching your perineum. To do a deep squat, stand with your legs wider than your hip's width. Slowly squat down as far as you can comfortably and safely go. Keep your hands pressed together in front of you the whole time. From here, you slowly rise back up and continue the exercise!

3.Quadruped Cat Pose: Here is another excellent yoga pose. It can help ease discomfort and decrease lower back pain! Get down on your hands and knees, exhale, and round your back. As you exhale, tuck your chin toward your chest. Inhale, release the arch in the back and look up toward the sky. You can think of it as a cat stretching!

4.Perineal Bulges: If you're looking for some training on how to push during delivery without holding your breath, this is an exercise for you. It's essential to breathe during your pushing because you can decrease the blood flow back to your heart if you don't breathe properly. This exercise should only be practiced during the last three weeks of pregnancy. If you're interested in this technique, we suggest reaching out to a trained professional to avoid unnecessary issues.

5.Perineal Massage: This isn't exactly an exercise, but it's an excellent technique. It lengthens and softens the tissues of the perineum. A midwife or trained professional can show you exactly how to perform this massage, and we're sure you'll be thankful for it! 

When you know that you can do things to make your labor and delivery more manageable, it can bring comfort. Pregnancy isn't easy, and delivery isn't any easier. Please be advised, before you begin any exercises or training; you should speak to your doctor to make sure it's safe and best for you and your growing baby! 

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