7 Things To Get Your Partner On Board

7 Things To Get Your Partner On Board

Publicado por BMaxx Marketing en

Bringing your first baby home can be stressful, exciting, anxiety-filled, and emotional. While both parents might experience things differently, each one has struggles they may face.

Let’s face it, having your precious child home makes it so much more real, adding to the crazy haze of new-parent life. You don’t know a lot; you might not even know a little. There’s so much to learn and experience, with everything to navigate in parenthood.

It seems like mammas get most of the prepping, so, proud to-be-papas, this one’s for you!

Here are 7 things you’ll want your partner to know to help them be on board for life with a little one as a family.

  1. You’re Both Clueless: Bringing your firstborn child home isn’t going to be anything like babysitting or having siblings. It’s OK not to know the answers, but it’s helpful to try and learn things beforehand that can help simplify things. When either parent learns something new, share the info and cherish the memories, good and bad.
  2. Just Step In: Go through the “baby training” together. Don’t wait until you’re fed up or overloaded to throw it out there that you could use a hand with things. You shouldn’t always have to ask, and the more they become accustomed to family life, the easier it is for them to step in as needed. It takes two!
  3. You’re Both Putting In Work: Sadly, it wasn’t until more recently that employers gave fathers or partners maternity leave. These days, more places allow partners to have paid time off to be with the family to bond. However, their time off is usually only a week or two. That being said, they return to their regular jobs. Moms are at home, so she must not be tired, right? Wrong, you’re both working, only differently. This is what family is about.
  4. Let Them Know You Might Cry… A lot:. Parenthood is full of ups and downs, and there will be countless emotional moments for both of you. However, a woman’s hormones are a bit on the fly after pregnancy and birth. Postpartum depression may affect you, and even if it doesn’t, you still might be emotional. Help them be prepared.
  5. He Should Know You Might Be Self-Conscious: Many women can’t help but feel self-conscious about their bodies and even how they’ll perform sexually. You may or may not become a bit withdrawn or shy. Your partner should be gentle with you and the way they approach you.
  6. The Bathroom Will Often Be Occupied: Trips to the bathroom will be more frequent. The amount of time it takes to sit down and use the restroom can take longer than before pregnancy. Your partner might be curious about what you’re doing in there for so long. Your body will need to approach many things more slowly and cautiously after childbirth. Nice long showers should be expected because a new mother’s body needs it!
  7. Visitors Might Not Always Be Welcome: Some close family members or friends might be OK. If you always had company before the baby, you might want your partner to know that it’s best that the company is limited for a while. There is a crucial healing and bonding process taking place. Not to mention, the feeling of exhaustion and being overwhelmed can be rough. Breastfeeding and dirty diapers would be the show’s highlight, so yeah….no.

A mother has a little life growing inside her womb. She carries it, feeds it, and loves it. Because it’s inside her, she naturally takes to learning and practicing the ways of motherhood to be prepared. A mother’s partner isn’t always as ready for what’s to be expected. To help a family unit grow together, the more you are both equally involved with the entire learning process, the easier it will be for them to be on board right beside you!

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