How To Heal and Try Again: Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

How To Heal and Try Again: Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

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Emotional healing after a miscarriage can be so difficult. A miscarriage can be deeply felt, and it has long-lasting affects on a woman’s mind, body and spirit. Anxiety, stress, and depression are common and completely natural after such a devastating experience. Please know there is help and that you’re not alone! 

What are the odds of having another miscarriage?

Having a miscarriage is typically a one-time occurrence. A majority of women who miscarry can have completely healthy pregnancies after miscarriage. Sadly, a small number of women, around 1%, will have repeated miscarriages.

So far, research shows says that the predicted risk of miscarriage in future pregnancies is about 20% after one miscarriage. However, after two consecutive miscarriages the risk increases to around 28%, and after three or more, the risk of future miscarriages jumps up to about 43%.

When’s the best time to try pregnancy after a miscarriage?

Having a miscarriage can lead to intense feelings of loss. You and your partner can also experience deep sadness, guilt, and anxiety. Don’t rush your grieving process.

Generally, sex is off limits for two weeks after a miscarriage to preven any infection. A woman can ovulate and become pregnant in as little as two weeks after a miscarriage.

The best time really depends on you and your partner. Once you are feeling emotionally and physically ready, talk to your health care provider for some guidance. There may or may not be a need to wait. For woman who experience two or more consecutive miscarriages, the doctor might recommend different testing. The tests can identify any underlying causes of the miscarriages before attempting to get pregnant again.

The tests are a blood test and a chromosomal test. A sample of the blood is checked to see if there are any problems with the immune system or hormones. A chromosomal test is meant for both parents. The test requires a blood test to determine if either of your chromosomes are a factor. 

Further procedures can be done to help detect any uterine problems. An ultrasound, hysteroscopy, sonohysterography, MRI, and hysterosalpingography are all tests that check for uterine issues. Aside from the MRI and ultrasound, the tests are somewhat invasive but they provide better results and understanding.

If the cause of a miscarriage can’t be identified, please don’t lose hope. Remember, most women that experience repeated miscarriages can eventually have a healthy and succesful pregnancy.

Will anything improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy?

Unfortunately, there is nothing a person can do to prevent a miscarriage. However, making healthy lifestyle choices like taking prenatal vitamins or folic acid supplements can be beneficial when taken a few months before conception. So, when you’re ready to try again, get started on the vitamins and supplements early.

What emotions might one deal with during subsequent pregnancies?

Becoming pregnant after a miscarriage  will likely bring feelings of joy, as well as anxiety and stress. Becoming pregnant again can provide a healing experience for you and your partner. That being said, depression and anxiety can continue after a healthy and successful birth.

It’s essential to talk about your feelings. It will be difficult but allow yourself to experience your feelings. Turn to your partner, family, and friends for comfort and care. If you’re struggling to cope, consult your doctor or a counselor to give yourself some extra support.

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