Hypopressives After Birth

Hypopressives After Birth

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Hypopressives are a series of exercises, breathing techniques, and postures that help decrease the abdominal cavity’s excess pressure. This method was created by Dr. Marcel Cauriez back in the 1980s.

The goal was to rehabilitate the pelvic floor in postpartum women. By performing hypopressives, you activate a substantial part of the postural muscles. The act of holding your breath for a few seconds can help boost your metabolism and burn calories, which is an added bonus.

This creation’s main reason was that some women suffer from abdominal diastasis (stretching of connective tissues) after giving birth. The abs remain slightly stretched apart and need help getting back into their proper position. After pregnancy, workouts can be challenging and worsen symptoms, which is why hypopressives are a great way to begin postpartum exercises.

Benefits of Hypopressives After Pregnancy

Adding hypopressives as a part of your postpartum exercise plan is a fantastic idea for several reasons. We mentioned above that it helps strengthen and repair issues related to abdominal diastasis. But wait, there’s more.

  • Decreases Back Pain: Hypopressives naturally improve posture, which helps eliminate and/or prevent back pain. Slouching is an easy habit to get into after carrying around the extra weight in your belly region.
  • Waistline Reduction: Some ladies have the luck of their waistline slimming down soon after birth. We’re not all that lucky. Using hypopressives as an after-pregnancy workout helps increase the metabolism and burn calories.
  • Prevents Abdominal & Disc Hernia: Hypopressives allow you to improve and tone the pelvic area without straining the lumbar and neck. Some postpartum exercise regimes can be too intense. Hypopressives are slow and controlled postpartum workouts.
  • Improves Sexual Function: Strengthening and toning the pelvic area makes sex a little more intense. Hypopressives can lead to enhanced sexual performance, intensified pleasure, and sensitivity. The sensation is heightened during sex, and orgasms are intensified as well.
  • Treats & Prevents Incontinence: After a tiny human grows inside of the womb, some organs might not be as dependable as they were before pregnancy. The bladder is one of them! Strengthening the pelvic floor helps to prevent urinary leakage. It also helps relieve the excess pressure that causes some of the leakages.
  • Treat & Prevent Organ Prolapse: Strong abdominal muscles help support your pelvic organs. The more support, the better because it helps release any tension in the ligaments that support them. Hypopressives cause a negative pressure in the pelvic cavity, allowing the organs to rise and return to their usual positions.
  • When To Begin Hypopressives As An After Pregnancy Workout

    After your beautiful baby is born, your body is going to NEED time to heal and recover. After all, it just grew a tiny human in a womb, and there was likely a lot going on. The best thing to do for the first several weeks postpartum is rest, relax, and replenish.

    When you should begin hypopressives as a postpartum exercise is up to your body. Please, talk to your doctor or specialist before you start any postpartum workouts or exercises. It’s best to be sure your body can handle it.

    There are different outlooks from professionals. While some say it’s safe to begin hypopressives immediately after birth, others say it’s best to give your body until the late postpartum period. This is why it’s essential to ask your doctor what’s right for you and your body.

    If you are unfamiliar with hypopressives, it’s best to learn from a professional. There is a lot of great information regarding the how-tos of hypopressives around the internet. Just make sure whoever you learn from is certified or has had the proper training. 

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