Keep It Chill: Your Baby Needs It

Keep It Chill: Your Baby Needs It

Publicado por BMaxx Marketing en

Newborns and kids of all ages naturally feed off the energy surrounding them, especially from their parents or those they’re around often. When we tense up or become scared, so do they. We can’t say that it’s any different while the fetus grows in the womb. 

Keeping a chill environment and knowing how to cool off when things get too heated will benefit you and the baby! We see the excitement of bringing your newborn home will begin to fade into long nights leading to long days. Feeding, diaper changes, and everything in-between keeps you busy. It’s normal to feel the highest of highs, as well as the lowest of lows.

It can sometimes feel impossible to put your needs first, momma! But, finding a way to reduce the anxiety and stress that comes with being a parent is essential. Not only for your mental and physical health but also the little one’s well-being. We know there’s no “one size fits all” way to handle the different emotions after a baby. Still, there are some simple things worth trying to help reduce the feelings of postpartum stress and anxiety issues.

Chill Vibes

Light some calming scented candles or something of the sort. Play music that calms you and the baby down. Keep the vibes chill for you and the baby. If guests stop by and cause too much stressful excitement or bring unchill vibes, ask them to leave and come back later. It’s essential to do what you can for yourself and your baby. Soak in a bubble bath or take a nice hot shower. 

Get Moving

We know motherhood can be exhausting, especially when there’s a newborn in the house or multiple kids. Adding exercise into the mix may seem counterproductive. Still, as soon as your doctor clears you for physical activity, we suggest you get some. It doesn’t have to be hours at the gym or a workout at all. A walk around the block can do much more for your health than you imagine. Although, a few exercises a day can be beneficial. Start with something slow and easy; work your way into it. Believe it or not, exercise can boost our energy levels and help clear away stress.

Get The Sleep You Need

We know that this is so much easier said than done. When your baby is down for a nap, you should be too. Honestly, any chance you get to catch up on some sleep, do it! We know that there will always be things to do, but you won’t be able to without good mental and physical health. A lack of sleep can make us grumpy and irritable. Sleep deprivation will only elevate stress, anxiety, crankiness, and irritability. Those of you dealing with postpartum depression or stress don’t need anymore on your plate!

Ask For Help

It can be difficult for some of us to ask for help when we need it. Please don’t hesitate to ask others for a bit of help now and then, whether it’s your family, good friends, or your partner. They can help give you a break when you need it because you and your baby’s health are the main priority. You don’t need to ask for it all the time, but every once in a while will do you some good.

Don’t Forget Your Hygiene

It can be really easy to forget the simple hygienic tasks when you’re a mom to a newborn. Maybe you’ve asked yourself when was the last time you shaved your legs or even showered was. It may happen more than one who’d like to admit. However, routine self-care can provide mood-boosting benefits that make you feel good!

As parents, we have to fill our cups and take care of ourselves. Yes, the baby comes first, but you have to have time for yourself to regenerate and relax. Your little ones can and will pick up on tension, stress, and anxiety. It can leach out onto them and make them feel things they don’t understand. Keep it chill for you and your little ones as often as possible to keep good vibes going strong.

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