Should I Try Collagen During Pregnancy?

Should I Try Collagen During Pregnancy?

Publicado por BMaxx Marketing en

All peptide collagen is safe to use during pregnancy, aside from marine collagen. However, it’s always best to check with your doctor or midwife before you start any new supplements or medications.

Pregnancy can be extremely beautiful, yet it can also be notoriously difficult on the body. Your body will change in some remarkable ways to support the growing life inside you. Pregnancy and breastfeeding both require a lot of nutrients. If there isn’t enough to go around, what’s available goes to the baby and mom goes without. That being said, this is why it’s crucial to support your body throughout this period.

Aside from the obvious changes in life (the new arrival of a family member), the physical changes from pregnancy can be equally beautiful and frustrating. One of the main concerns many women have has to do with their skin.

As you pregnancy progresses, your skin on the hips, belly, breasts, and thighs naturally expand. Post-pregnancy leaves loose skin in certain areas like the stomach, which is very common. That skin may never go back to the original elasticity it once had. Nothing can completely prevent or treat stretch marks or loose skin. 

With all that info out of the way we can move onto taking collagen during pregnancy.

Collagen not only gives our skin its structure but it is found in our cartilage, connective tissue, bones, blood vessels, hair, nails, organs, and joints. It is no surprise that collagen supplementation during pregnancy can be extremely beneficial for supporting the huge changes in your body.

Reasons To Take Collagen During Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

There are several great reasons to take collagen during your pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Supports Elasticity of Skin: Hydrated, healthy, and elastic skin fares much better throughout and after a pregnancy. The post-pregnancy is much faster with the use of collagen supplements. Some women have reported having no stretch marks or loose skin with the use of peptide collagen.
  • Digestive Benefits: Collagen is made up of amino acids, like those found in bone broth. These amino acids are known to help seal and heal the lining of the gut, which benefits gut health and digestion.
  • Strengthens Joints & Ligaments: Strong ligaments and joints greatly help carry the physical load we carry, both during the pregnancy and after birth. A tiny baby and their diaper bag can be some heavy work post-pregnancy. Caring for a baby is physically demanding. Collagen can help alleviate the soreness of muscles which is bound to happen.
  • Skin Health: Peptide collagen is a dream come true for your skin. Believe it or not, pregnancy can have an effect on facial skin. Pigmentation, breakouts, and texture changes are common during and after pregnancy. Collagen is a natural and healthy option to help your skin stay looking and feeling good.
  • Hair Care: Some women experience their hair becoming thick and lush during pregnancy. However, some experience postpartum hair loss. Taking collagen can help encourage new hair growth, as well as healthy and strong hair.
  • Taking collagen during and after pregnancy is worth it! While it’s believed to be extremely safe, please reach out to your doctor before starting any new supplements. 



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